🎓 Education
🎓 DEGREE: Master of Science
- Institution: Halic University
- Date: 08/2014 - 05/2017
- Department: Computer Engineering
- Grade Point Average (GPA): 4.0 / 4.0
Socket and MQTT interface with Android implementation for hybrid applications.
Technologies and Tools of this Thesis
- Android (4.x)
- Java
- Javascript
- Mobile Hybrid (Cordova 2.x, 3.x) Application
- MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) protocol
- Paho
- TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Socket programming
- Moquette
- Eclipse IDE
- Mqtt-spy
🎓 DEGREE: Bachelor's Degree
- Institution: Halic University
- Date: 09/2007 - 10/2012
- Department: Computer Engineering
- Grade Point Average (GPA): 3.2 / 4.0
Cross-platform (mobile and desktop) remote control and screen sharing application.
Technologies and Tools of this Thesis
- Android Native Application (2.x)
- Java
- TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Socket programming
- Eclipse IDE
🎓 DEGREE: High School
- Institution: Zografyon Greek High School
- Date: 2004 - 2007
- Department: Science & Mathematics
- Grade Point Average (GPA): 80/100
⭐ Member of Department Advisory Board
- Institution: Halic University
- Date: 2020 - Present
- Department: Software Engineering